2025 DP1: Baptism and Membership Course
The DP1 (Baptism and Membership Course) is available to all GMC worshippers who are ready to take the next step in their faith journey through baptism, confirmation, or church membership.
Course Schedule (Sundays):
📅 Apr: 27
📅 May: 4, 11, 18, 25
📅 Jun: 1
The course concludes with Membership & Baptism Sunday on June 8 at the 9:00 & 11:15 AM services..
6 ‘in-person’ 2 hrs sessions conducted in a bible study format + daily homework of 30 mins.
Course Requirements
Adult Baptism and Confirmation candidates to attend ALL sessions (#1-6).
Commitment for all weeks is essential.Transfer/Acceptance candidates and parents of *child baptism* candidates to attend only Session #6 ‘Methodism & Sacraments’.
Find out more about other DP courses [IDMR]
Read and download the relevant forms.
Adult Baptism: You believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, and want to profess your faith through a public confession, declaring your commitment to Christ.
Confirmation: You were baptised as an infant/child and want to confirm your faith through a public confession, declaring your commitment to Christ.
[For applicants age 16 and over]
Infant/Child Baptism: You would like your child to be marked with a sign of inclusion in the GMC covenant community.
[For applicants age 15 and below]
Transfer: You are baptised and holding membership in another church and wish to transfer membership to GMC.
Acceptance: You are baptised and NOT a member of any church but wish to become a member of GMC.
Fill up the appropriate form and submit it along with the supporting documents to: admin@gmc.org.sg
*These PDF forms can be filled directly from your computer or personal device. Please download and save the file with your name (e.g., 'e-baptismform[yournamehere].pdf') before making any edits.
For a printable PDF or to submit your completed forms, kindly email: admin@gmc.org.sg.